Friday, February 26, 2016

March 4th

It's hard to believe it is March!  We have had another very busy week!  We shared our owl books with Mrs. Roberts class and then with both our little and big buddies!  We can't wait to read them with you at our conferences!

Tuesday was Jump Rope for Heart - Div. 6 & 7 had a great workout and a lot of fun.
Below are some 'action shots!'

The 100 day projects that have come in are very creative!  Great work Div. 7!

Mizzie Quinn's rabbit came to visit on Wednesday!  As you can see the students were all very excited to see and hold her!
Makayla also brought in her new puppy Chico.  

Today was 100 day and we rotated through 5 different stations - an action station, a building station, math games, 100 day necklace and a bookmark station!   Then this afternoon we made our hundred day snack we had a total of 1600!   It was very yummy!  Thanks!

Our class made the announcements to try to collect several hundreds of food cans for the local food bank.  So far we have 349!  Cans will still be accepted on Mionday!  Thanks again for your support with this community project.

Just a reminder that Grandparents Day is on Wednesday, March 9th in the morning til 11:15 and conferences are in the afternoon and all day Thursday.  If you have not signed up for a conference please do so ASAP   Thanks.  Also Friday is Crazy Hair day!

February 26th - 'An Owl - ly Week!"


On Wednesday morning we had an exciting morning of discovery as we dissected owl pellets.  As you can see everyone was very engaged and later when I asked them what they thought the comments were: "Awesome!" "Fantastic!" "Gross but cool!"

Today we made a special owl art project (big thank you to Mrs. Carpenter for her help).  You will get to see these at the conferences as all of the students were very proud of their owls!
Speaking of conferences they are quickly approaching, March 9th and 10th, please be sure to sign up ASAP.  The link is in the useful link section on the front of this blog.      

Tuesday, March 1, 2016 is our 'Jumprope for Heart' event.  Please send your child in comfortable clothes and with a water bottle.  All donations can be collected in the envelope provided or can be made online at:  Please mention your child's name and Fairview Elementary if you choose this option.

Hundred day is Friday, March 4th.  Most students took home a piece of paper today to make their 100 day collection, remember the only criteria is that they have 100 of something displayed on the paper or built that they want to bring in.  For those students who forgot their paper they will get it on Monday, this project is optional but I do hope most students choose to participate. The students can bring in their projects any day next week, we will be setting these up in the library and touring them Friday afternoon.
Fairview is also trying to collect as many hundreds of cans as possible for the local food bank.  Please bring in cans and non-perishable food all next week.  

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

February 17th

Just a reminder there is no school tomorrow and Friday for students. Don't forget about the Boston Pizza fundraiser tomorrow night, Feb. 18th.  5 - 8 pm. Help support our PAC to raise money for the new playground!

100 Day is just around the corner and if your child is interested in making a 100 day collection poster please start thinking about them, they would need to be returned the first week of March.  I will be handing out construction paper next week.  March 4th is our hundred day and we are busy planning a special day for the children including intermediate students too this year!  I was also hoping to make a 100 day snack to share in the afternoon, if every child could bring in 100 ??'s on March 4th (Cheerios, marshmallows, candies (nothing with nuts please)  to add to the bowl.  We will count by 100's to discover how many eatible snacks we gave in total!

Division 7 thanks Mason and his family for the generous gifts - a new soccer ball and a basketball!!

Saturday, February 13, 2016

Student Absences

Just a reminder if your child is sick or going to be away please email or call the office.
Mrs. Corcoran is spending hours every morning phoning home and unfortunately our clerical hours have already been cut so these extra calls are making her job very difficult!

Friday, February 12, 2016

February 12th

Hope you all have a fun Valentines weekend.   Thank you to Tessa, Cassi, Chase, Ava, Charlotte, Ella and Mallary for the amazing snacks!  It was a big feast! The children all loved handing out and receiving their valentines.

Thanks again to all the parents who drove for our field trip to Alice in Wonderland.  It was an interesting play which some really enjoyed while others another as much but everyone liked different parts of the play and it was an excellent opportunity for them to be exposed to the arts.

I have set up our conference schedule again.  They will be on Wednesday, March in the afternoon and all day Thursday, March 10th.  Please follow this link to book your times.

The students once again loved playing in the forest on Thursday as is obvious from these photos.

Just a reminder Fairview PAC is having a fundraiser at Boston Pizza on Feb. 18th from 5 - 8 pm.
If you and your family go out for dinner there we will get 10% of the totals to help raise funds for our playground.  All we need is over 25 people (kids included) to make this happen!  This sounds like a great reason for a family pizza night!!

Reminder that next week there is no school either Thursday or Friday for students.  We will not be doing spelling.

Monday, February 8, 2016


Please don't forget booster seats for our field trip tomorrow.  We will be leaving by 11:45 and returning back to the school around 2. 
Enjoy the sunshine we are having for Family Day!

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Feb. 4th

Thank you all so much for sending goodies for our Owl Bake sale.  It was a huge success.  We made $525.00.  Again thanks to Mason and Ava's moms for helping to set up and run the bake sale.

Just a reminder that there is no school tomorrow or Monday for Family Day. Please remember that our field trip to Alice in Wonderland is on Tuesday afternoon so all students need to bring in their booster seats.  I sent home a notice for all parent drivers, please be at the school by 11:45 so you can drop your group of students off at the front of the ACT.  Sorry we don't have enough tickets for parents to stay too.  The show is supposed to be an hour so pick up will be at 1:30 but we will confirm this on Tuesday.  Thanks again for your great support with all our field trips. Many teachers were saying how hard it is to get enough parent drivers and I consistently have more than enough - your continued help is really appreciated :)

On Tuesday there will be an assembly and all the primary students will be presenting our owl song.  Parents are welcome to come and watch.  It will be at 8:45.

Could everyone please talk to their child about only going on their own account on Raz Kids we have had some problems with students going on another student's account and using up their stars.  We have talked about it in class but if you could reiterate this at home that hopefully will help.

Next Friday will be our Valentine's Celebration.  All students should bring their valentines in the morning but we won't be having our celebration until after lunch.
Thanks in advance to the following students who signed up to bring snacks.  Tessa (fruit plate). Cassi (veggie tray) Chase (cheese /crackers or small sandwiches)  Ava (sweet treat). Charlotte (popcorn/ chips or pretzels) Ella (other)

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

February 2nd

Tomorrow is our bake sale!  If everyone can bring their dozen baked goodies in the morning we will be setting up for the sale.  Thank you to everyone for your support with this.  A big thank you to Mason and Ava's moms for helping at the sale if you could please be here at 9:45 to set up and then again at 11:45.   We are really hoping that we will make enough money for each class to adopt an owl!  Don't forget to bring your loonies too as I am sure you will all want a special treat too!