Friday, December 18, 2015

Dec. 18th

A special thank you to Adam, Ashton, Eli, Quinn, Kevin, Gianna and Mallary!  For bringing all the delicious goodies that you sent for our classroom celebration!  They were enjoyed by all!  

I would like to thank you all for the generous gifts, cards and greetings!  Your thoughtfulness and generosity is really appreciated!

 Hope you all have a Merry Christmas and a wonderful holiday season!!

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Dec. 17

I hope you were all able to see Fairview's amazing Christmas concert!  The children all did so well and the cast of The Grinch were amazing!

It has /is a crazy busy week.  Division 7 has been busy doing Christmas stuff!  Christmas Readers's Workshop, Christmas crafts and Christmas math stations!  Below are some students in math playing Double the Gifts and Race to Rudolph!
I know your children are excited to show you some of their special Christmas crafts, I hope you like your special gift!

Below is an example of the creativity and energy the students have had this week!   
                                          A HUMAN CHRISTMAS TREE!

In the Poetry and More duotangs this week we have added some math Christmas games!

I hope you all have a magical  holiday season!  See you in 2016!

Friday, December 11, 2015

Dec. 11/15

 It was so nice to spend the last couple of days with you for the conferences.  You should all be proud of your children - I am!

This next week will be crazy so here are just a few reminders...

*See below for details on this busy upcoming week, the students will be wearing their pajamas a lot so that will take the 'getting dressed' part of the day off the list!  Christmas hats are also welcome!

December 14th-Concert dress rehearsal (please wear pyjamas/hats-this is a practice day for students)
December 15th-1:00pm Concert (families welcome-wear PJ's/hats)
December 16th-1:00pm Christmas Concert (families welcome-wear PJ's/hats)
December 18th- Pajama Day and bring your favourite Christmas book to school for hallway reading
Dec. 19  - Jan. 3 - Christmas Break - HAPPY HOLIDAYS

*We will have our class party on Friday.  Thank you to these parents for sending in treats:  Adam (fruit plate), Ashton (veggie plate), Eli (cheese/crackers or small sandwiches), Quinn (sweet treat) and Kevin (popcorn, chips or pretzels) and also Katrina ??

Enjoy your weekend, everyone and Merry Christmas!

Monday, December 7, 2015


Fun was had by all!
Thanks to all the parents who drove and helped tie up skates, your help was and is appreciated! 

Saturday, December 5, 2015

December 4th

Yikes it's December!

For the Christmas Hamper this year we are providing for an 8 year old girl.  If you are wanting to participate please send in either an unwrapped toy or a $5.00 cash donation by Tuesday.  Thank you for your generosity.

Skating is on Monday afternoon please be sure to send in booster seats, skates, helmets (or the cash $3.75 skates, $2.50 for a helmet) snow pants and gloves.   Thanks to everyone who volunteered to drive, I am counting on all of you Mrs. Roberts is short drivers so I may be asking you to take some of her students.  Thank you for your continued support!

On Tuesday Mrs. Crook came and did an amazing presentation with both Div. 6 & 7.   We learned all about the land of Canada before we were a country specifically the Arctic, the Plains and the Eastern Woodlands.  Ask your child what all they did and learned.

We have started Raz kids an online reading program which the students are very excited about.  You should have received a letter on Thursday with the link.  You can also use the link on thiis blog.

Div. 7 won the contest for our hallway for litter less lunch!  We will be getting our pizza on Wednesday, Dec. 9th.  Please send other food in your child's lunch as they will only get two pieces of pizza.

On Tuesday if your child has a Santa, elf or reindeer hat could you please send them to school.  Thanks

Please practice the Christmas concert songs at home as the students need to memorize these songs.