Tuesday, September 22, 2015

September 22/15

Attention all parents - please check the school district portal and go to the form section as we have many forms posted there that need to be filled out.  For example - our Terry Fox Run is next Wed. Sept. 30 and you must have completed the walking form for your child to participate.   We also need parent volunteers to walk/run with our class, please let me know if you are available.  Thanks.  Also on Wednesday it is Picture Day in the am but then the run in afternoon please ensure that your child has appropriate clothing and running shoes for the run (rain or shine!) Please also be sure to send a water bottle. 

Thanks to everyone that has already sent in the $15.00 to cover the cost of planners and memory books.  Unfortunately there was an error in the planners we received so we had to re-order and the new ones won't be in for a few weeks but they are on their way.  As soon as they come in we will be using them daily for home reading and communication.  Thanks for your patience with this.

Family Reading will be starting this Friday morning at 8:30 - 8:45.  Last year we were very fortunate that so many parents could attend, I am really hoping that parents are available to come out this year.

Just a reminder we do have a nut allergy in our class so do not send any food that contains nuts.
Also I did put out the sign up for snacks for our celebrations so if you haven't had a chance to sign up please just drop by the class to sign up for one of the holidays.  Thanks in advance for contributing. 

Welcome to our class blog!

You will find hopefully everything that is happening and going to happen in Div. 7 here. Monthly newsletters and calendars will be posted as well as weekly updates. Student photos will be posted and they will have input as to what is included and shared on this blog. Hope you enjoy and check it regularly!